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20230816 — diversity

Solution to this Week’s Puzzle 20230816 — Diversity Space Code The Space Code is one of the simplest codes to write, and a simple code to break if you recognize that all the letter groups have the same number of letters. Write the message as one long word, Ifwecannotnowendourdifferencesatleastwecanhelpmaketheworldsafefordiversity. Then break the word into groups […]

20230809 — Define

Solution to this Week’s Puzzle 20230809 — Define Blabber Jabber In this code, the message is written as one long word. Toomanyofusstillbelieveourdifferencesdefineus Break up or combine the letters in unusual places. Pepper the page with punctuation marks. To help decoding the message, you can bold the beginning and end of each word in the message. […]

20230802 — Differences

Solution to this Week’s Puzzle 20230802 — Differences The Greek Square Cipher or the Polybius Checkerboard This week’s cypher is based on a system developed by Polybius, a Greek historian and cryptographer, about 2,000 years ago.  43   23   11   42   15   /   34   45   42   /    43   24   32   24   31   11   42   24   44   […]

20230726 – Small House

Solution to this Week’s Puzzle 20230726 – Small House Several democracies celebrate their National Holidays in July. Among these countries are Canada (July1), The United States (July 4) and France (July 14). In honor of these countries, Felix is sending you proverbs about Freedom this month. Freedom doesn’t mean doing anything you want. Felix is […]

20230510 – How you finish

Solution to this Week’s Puzzle 20230510 – How you finish The Reverse Letter Code In this code the letters are separated into two letter segments.  Don’t worry about the end or beginning of words.  Then each two-letter segment is reversed.  Gift would be gi ft, then ig tf. To decode the message, you re-reverse the […]

20230719 – Liberty

Solution to this Week’s Puzzle 20230719 – Liberty Telephone Code 63   73   31   32   73   /   91   43   81   42   63   82   81   /   53   43   22   32   73   81   93   /   21   62   31   /   53   43   22   32   73   81   93   /   91   43   81   42   63   82   81   / 63   73   31   […]

20230712 — Mistakes

Solution to this Week’s Puzzle 20230712 — Mistakes QWERTY Code Codes are sometimes based on frequently used objects. This code is based on the QWERTY keyboard that is used with many computers and typewriters. You assign the A, B, Cs to the letters on the QWERTY keyboard. Q=A, W=B and so on until you reach […]

20230705 — Oxygen

Solution to this Week’s Puzzle 20230705 — Oxygen Fractional Cipher Each letter in the cipher is represented by a fraction. To solve the puzzle: Add the numbers in the fraction together.  6/8 =14, 12/13=25, 2/10=12 Write the alphabet backwards Z to A, Give each letter a number and solve the puzzle 14=M, 25=B, 12=O 4/17   […]

20230628 — Workshop

Solution to this Week’s Puzzle 20230628 — Workshop Arabic/Roman cipher IX  IV  12  V  /  8  I  14  IV  19  /  1  18  V  /  XX  8  V  /  IV  V  22  IX  12  ‘  19  /  23  XV    18  XI  19  8  XV  16. This code combines Roman and Arabic numerals.  Each letter […]

20230621 — Half

Solution to this Week’s Puzzle 20230621 — Half Reverse Transposition Cipher In a reverse transposition cipher, the proverb is written backwards and then divided into groups of 3 or 4 letters. FLA  HREH  TOE  HTSI  NUF  GINV  AHT  IFOF  LAH  YLNO  SIG  NIN  NIW To solve the cipher, write the proverb beginning at the end. […]