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Solution to this Week's Puzzle

20230816 -- Diversity

Space Code

The Space Code is one of the simplest codes to write, and a simple code to break if you recognize that all the letter groups have the same number of letters.

Write the message as one long word,


Then break the word into groups of 2, 3, or 4 letters. This cipher was broken into three letter groups.

Ifw eca nno tno wen  dou rdi ffe ren ces atl eas twe can hel pma ket hew orl dsa fef ord ive rsi tye.

There are seventy-five letters in the cipher. Three doesn’t divide evenly into seventy-five so a null letter is added to the end of the message. The null letter is not part of the message.

To decipher the message, you write the letters into one long word and look for words until you break the code.  You need to be careful; you may find words that aren’t in the message. In this code you may find wend, dour or east, but they aren’t in the cipher. You may also see a word like hew in the code which is not in the proverb. 

The solution to this week’s code is:

If we cannot now end our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity. John Kennedy