20231025 – Magic Carpet
Solution to this Week’s Puzzle 20231025 – Magic Carpet Morse Code This week’s message is written in Morse Code. Morse Code encodes text as a series of dots and dashes or dits and dahs. Around 1837, Samuel Morse, one of the inventors of the telegraph, developed a code for sending messages over the telegraph. His […]
20231018 –Playground
Solution to this Week’s Puzzle 20231018 –Playground Snail Code D ‘ S P L A N N A T I Y I I X I O G M G A M N R E H T S I O ! ! ! D N U The Snail Code gets its name from how it […]
20231011 – Creation
Solution to this Week’s Puzzle 20231011 – Creation The Reverse Letter Code In this code the letters are separated into two letter segments. Don’t worry about the end or beginning of words. Then each two-letter segment is reversed. Gift would be gi ft, then ig tf. To decode the message, you re-reverse the letters and […]
20231004 – Imagination
Solution to this Week’s Puzzle 20231004 – Imagination The Hidden Message Code In this message you read the first word, then skip 4 words and read the fifth word. Keep reading the fifth word to discover the hidden message. You could write a message where you read every fourth word or tenth word. The friend […]
20230920 — Imagination
Solution to this Week’s Puzzle 20230920 — Imagination License Plate Code Personalized license plates frequently leave out the vowels and keep the consonants. For example: Wrangler might be WRNGLR In this code the vowels are left out and the consonants remain. You just need to guess the right vowels. Not as easy as it sounds. […]
20230927 — Doors
Solution to this Week’s Puzzle 20230927 — Doors Keyboard Cipher This week’s cipher is called the keyboard cipher because it uses the letters on a keyboard to make the code. Find the letter you want to write and use the letter to the right of it. If you want to write PLAY, your code would […]
20230913 – Beautiful Thing
Solution to this Week’s Puzzle 20230913 – Beautiful Thing The Caesar Cipher This week’s proverb is written in the Caesar Cipher so called because the Roman general Julius Caesar used it to send messages to his troops. It is a simple shift cipher in which the letters in the alphabet shift down several spaces. In […]
20230906 – Fear of the Lord
Solution to this Week’s Puzzle 20230906 — Fear of the Lord The Vowel Shapes Cipher The Vowel shape Cipher is easy to write and to solve. The only letters in the alphabet that are changed are the vowels. They are given other shapes. Since all words contain vowels, each word has something you must figure […]
20230830 – Man-Made Differences
Solution to this Week’s Puzzle 20230830 – Man-Made Differences Easy Substitution Cipher This cipher is one of the easiest substitution ciphers to write and to break. Because it is easy to break, it is not used very often. You write 1 through 26 and write the alphabet next to the numbers – A=1, B=2, Y=25, […]
20230825 — Diversity
Solution to this Week’s Puzzle 20230825 — Diversity Rail Fence Cipher or Zig Zag Cipher This week’s cipher is a Rail Fence Cipher. It was used during the Civil War and is based on zigzag of a rail fence. You write this cipher in zigzag pattern. Draw a zig zag : Then write your message (WE […]