20220629 – Live, Laugh, Love
Solution to this Week’s Puzzle 20220629 – Live, Laugh, Love The Hidden Message Code In this message you read every fifth word to discover the hidden message. You could write a message where you read every fourth word or tenth word. The friend who is receiving the message to needs to know which words to […]
20220622 — Laughter
Solution to this Week’s Puzzle 20220622 — Laughter Keyboard Cipher This week’s cipher could be called the keyboard cipher because it uses the letters on a keyboard to make the code. Find the letter you want to write and use the letter to the right of it. If you want to write PLAY, your code […]
20220615 – Win
Solution to this Week’s Puzzle 20220615 — Win License Plate Code Personalized license plates frequently leave out the vowels and keep the consonants. For example: Wrangler might be WRNGLR In this code the vowels are left out and the consonants remain. You just need to guess the right vowels. Not as easy as it […]
20220608 — Tigger
Solution to this Week’s Puzzle 20220608 — Tigger F V B / J H U / I L / A P N N L Y / V Y / L L F V Y L. / A O L / K L J P Z P V U / P Z / F V B […]
20220601 – Jack
Solution to this Week’s Puzzle 20220601 – Jack June with its warm, even hot, weather is a month for fun – swimming, picnics, baseball, etc. This month, Felix is sharing proverbs or saying about fun. He hopes you have a good time solving them. The Vowel Shapes Cipher The only letters in the alphabet […]
20220525 – Trees
Solution to this Week’s Puzzle 20220525 – Trees Arabic/Roman cipher This code combines Roman and Arabic numerals. Each letter of the alphabet has an Arabic numeral or Roman numeral assigned to it. Roman numerals are more complicated to write than Arabic numerals. No number should be longer than 2 characters. If you can write a […]
20220518 – Bloom
Solution to this Week’s Puzzle 20220518 – Bloom Rail Fence Cipher or Zig Zag Cipher This week’s cipher is a Rail Fence Cipher. It was used during the Civil War and is based on zigzag of a rail fence. You write this cipher in zigzag pattern. Draw a zig zag: Then write your message (bloom) […]
20220511 — Branches
Solution to this Week’s Puzzle 20220511 — Branches Space Cipher The Space Code is one of the simplest codes to write, and a simple code to break if you recognize that all the letter groups have the same number of letters. Write the message as one long word, IAMTHEVINEANDYOUARETHEBRANCHES Break the word into groups of […]
20220504 – Oaks
Solution to this Week’s Puzzle 20220504 – Oaks May with all its flowers and blooming trees makes Felix think about what you can learn from nature. The ciphers this month will contain lessons from nature. Get in there and dig out the proverb. This week’s proverb is one that has been around for a long […]
20220427 — Darkness
Solution to this Week’s Puzzle 20220427 — Darkness The Greek Square Cipher or the Polybius Checkerboard This week’s cypher is based on a system developed by Polybius, a Greek historian and cryptographer, about 2,000 years ago. 23 34 35 15 / 24 43 / 12 15 24 33 22 / 11 12 31 15 […]