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Solution to this Week's Puzzle

20211229 – Get Started

This week we start a new year.  Felix asks, “What do you want to accomplish in the new year?”  His cipher for this week is about getting started. It doesn’t matter if it is big, small, hard or easy; just get started.


Angels = !NG@LS


!  TR#P $f T@N M#L@S B@G#NS W#TH $N@ ST@P


The Vowel Shapes Cipher

Felix has  been very busy this week so he used a cipher that is easy to write. The only letters in the alphabet that are changed are the vowels.   They are given other shapes.

A = !

E = @

I = #

O = $

U = %

Y = & (if needed)

Since all words contain vowels, each word has something you must figure out.


This week’s cipher is:


A trip of ten miles begins with one step