The Vowel shape Cipher is easy to write and to solve. The only letters in the alphabet that are changed are the vowels. They are given other shapes. Since all words contain vowels, each word has something you must figure out.
To make this week’s cipher a bit more difficult, Felix has written the cipher without breaks for the beginning or end of words. Look for clues as to where words may start. For example, there is a capital L in the middle of the cipher. The L is probably the start of a name. Look after the L and determine if you can pick out a word. Perhaps L $ r d is a name. Lard, Lerd, Lord, Lird, Lurd. Lord is the only word that makes sense. Therefore, $ is probably a substitute for O. Keep working until you figure out the other substitutions.
A = !
E = @
I = #
O = $
U = %
Y = &
T h @ f @ ! r $ f t h @ L $ r d # s t h @ b @ g # n n # n g $ f k n $ w l @ d g @
This week’s message is:
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; Proverbs 1:7a