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Solution to this Week's Puzzle

20220707 – Serve God

The Reverse Letter Code


In this code the letters are separated into two letter segments.  Don’t worry about the end or beginning of words.  Then each two-letter segment is reversed.  Free would be fr ee, then rf ee.

To decode the message, you re-reverse the letters and then read the message.  Rf ee becomes fr ee. Just remember you don’t know where the words stop and start.

il ev il ek rf ee ep po el ub dt no ut es oy ru rf ee od am as en cx su te do eo iv ll vi ae ts oh es hw ao er es vr ni Gg do


Here is the solution for this week’s cipher:


Live like free people, but don’t use your freedom as an excuse to do evil. Live as those who are serving God  1Peter 2:16